Insurance not included. Any Damages Must be paid for

Both legally and morally, we're obliged to supply you with a industry-standard safety-approved helmet (Helmet comes free with bike Hire). We have a range of colours, sizes, styles and air-flow.
We have a huge range of Helmets for sale (including downhill helmets) if you're keen to buy.
Gloves The hardest thing about bike riding is coming off! We highly recommend you bring (or purchase) a pair of durable, comfortable gloves with decent air-flow for your bike riding adventure.
Armour Presuming you're heading off to do some downhill riding, armour is not only common sense but good for getting that added self-confidence/self assurance. The main factors in buying good armour are of course comfort and safety. We've got the armour for you in-stock now if you're keen to lay your dollars down.
Water Carrying water is an absolute MUST - especially in the low-humidity region of the Snowy Mountains. We recommend each rider heading out for a ride carry at LEAST 500mL per hour of riding. We also carry in stock Camel-back style water reserves. All our hire bikes have frames for carrying water. A water bottle is not a bad idea of getting that annoying spare change out of your pockets.
Fresh and healthy spring water is available from many streams, including half-way up Mt Kosciuszko.
Puncture Repair kits Stranded in the middle of a ride with a flat tyre is a negative on the fun scale. Once again a small investment will pay off big time if you need to fix a leak or replace a tube mid-way through your journey.
Much of the terrain in the Snowy is sharp granite, so punctures are not uncommon.
Carrying a spare Inner Tube or TWO, certainly speeds-up the process, then you can fix the damaged tube on your return over a refreshing drink.